What is non formal education
What is non formal education

what is non formal education

To make them socially and morally active towards and national values and ideas To enable them about the handle different tools and techniques To enable maximum out of school children from 9 to 14 years and attend the non-formal stream. It can be define “Any organized educational activity outside the established formal system whether operating separately or as an important feature of some broader activity that is intended to serve identifiable learning clienteles and learning objective” Objectives of Non Formal Education The word “non-formal” is derived by using the pre-fix “non” to formal. The orderly learning environment includes educational institutions, classrooms, specially trained teachers, teaching equipment, extra-curricular activities. non formal education is about acknowledging the importance ofeducation, learning and training which takes place outsiderecognized educational institutions, its often called an opensystem or a. ADVERTISEMENTS: The term non-formal education has gained currency in India over last two decades in view of its importance in developing necessary knowledge, attitude and skills in the vast section.

what is non formal education

Formal education is the one that works under the framework set by individual boards of education. Naturally, the growing minds do not wait for the system to modify, therefore, it gave birth to international movement which manifested itself in different ways in different nations according to their own cultural, political and economical factors. Non-formal Education Following are the details about each category. It was realized that the global changing circumstances demanded abrupt changes in the formal system but due to its structural frame work it failed to fulfil the roles recognized above.

what is non formal education

The very obvious and prompt response to this demand is to expand the system of education or to find out the alternate of formal System. Under these conditions, the experts in pedagogical sciences are always exploring the new venues of education for pacing with the demands and challenges of the future. It attracts people to acquire new knowledge and skills, particularly in science which doubles itself every decade. Educational systems of the countries reflect the quality and development of nations. It refers to a wide range of educational initiatives in the community, ranging from home-based learning to government schemes and community initiatives. The natural outcome of the profusion and emergence of Modern knowledge the influenced the educational trends to use education as a social, political and economic tool for survival. Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education, adult education, lifelong education and second-chance education. To reconcile with the rapid growth and improvement of educational standard quantitatively and qualitatively, NEE is engaging the foremost attention of all nations of the world.

What is non formal education